Thursday 4 June 2009

Our New Photo Gallery

This is our new photo gallery. You are highly welcome to visit the gallery:

Cheers. & Enjoy the gallery.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

MySpace vs. Multiply

According to The New York Times Monday 1st Oct article, the number of internet users older than 55 is roughly the same as those who are aged between 18 to 34. While the youngsters look for pleasures in MySpace, the rather older versions looked for something useful for practical life. Reason is plain. The group is matured and experienced in life, so to spend time on something should have something in return. What MySpace returns? Mostly the members get invitation for party’s or to be a friend of some girls who would like to direct your link to their adult-looking sites. No talk about any serious issues of daily life although there are many groups and users can create if they wish. But this is what is called flavor. Once established it remains as sole trademark. MySpace can’t change better than what it is today.

Multiply can do that job. Decent looking Multiply offers the right platform for it. Many past users of MySpace find it useful in real-world perspectives. The short attention span of users in MySpace or even in Facebook made those sites just as peeping through windows but not filling the demands of sound internet users. People like to talk about their problems and get solutions. Offering some good and healthy topics to discuss and feel good. Multiply offers it. If you want to put down your roots it’s the right place.

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Recovering Ozone Layer

After the first discovery of "Ozone Layer" over the Antarctic and more recently over Arctic, groups meeting in Montreal this week are pushing forward for a phase-out of HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) 10 years earlier than scheduled. This will reduce cumulatively 18 to 25 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. HCFCs are now currently used in refrigerators and air-conditions instead of CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons). The aim is to recover Ozone layer to healthy pre-1980 levels.

What CFCs and HCFCs do? Chlorine (Cl) liberated from these greenhouse gases goes through a chain reaction that breaks down the ozone molecules thus creating a hole in the stratosphere where the ozone layer is located from about 15 to 35 km above Earth's surface. Ultraviolet rays from Sun can easily enter the Earth's atmosphere and can cause skin cancers and other health problem and can damage the eco-system as well.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Honey and Cinnamon

It's reported in many articles about the healing property of honey and cinnamon together. Diseases like arthritis, heart problem, weak immune system, bladder infection and even for infertility, proper use of both brought some excellent results. Although it is always advisable to consult the physician first, but it's interesting to learn about it. Here's a link where you can find more info about it:

Friday 10 August 2007

Pollution of Beaches

According to U.S Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) a number of beaches are not safe for swimming because of pollution mainly from sewage and storm water systems. Elevated bacteria levels from sources like boat discharge (in fact, human discharge) or wildlife are threatening public health as well. As a result dysentry, hepatitis (which can be very fatal to many), respiratory problems are being reported from the beachgoers. At the same time careless urban sprawl in coastal areas is devouring wetlands and natural buffers like beach grass which normally works as filter for dangerous pollution. Now you need to ask before swimming, "Is the beachwater safe for swimming". In fact, it`s not only a case in US, countries like Brazil and India where reckless attitude of tourists create more pollution than normal, environment industries now need to have a close look before it is alarmingly high!!

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Signs of Climatic Change

Something is Changing......Flood killed more than 7000 people world-wide last year. In recent weeks heavy rainfall in China killed over 400 and more than 700 have been killed in South Asia by flooding. This year's flood in Britain is an event that can stastisticalls occur in every 30 to 50 years. But the flood in 2000 is already an event of 25 to 30 years. Two big flood just within a seven years span. That's quite abnormal sign of nature. Climatic change is no more a fairy tale. It's a dynamic and responsive phenomena means will get worse if nothing done and will go better is proper actions are taken. Normally warmaer air holds more water and will unleash huge energy if weather turns bad. Consequence is heavy storms or rainfall.

Saturday 14 July 2007

The Bastille Day

The Bastille Day..............Today is 14th of July, the historic Bastille Day, when French peasants stormed the medieval fortress in 1789 and marked the beginning of French Revolution. The Bastion was built during the Hundred Years War under the rule of king Charles V of France. It was supposed to defend the eastern gate of the City of Paris against English attacks. The Bastille was not very large: just 66 meters long, 34 meters wide and 24 meters tall. The fortress earned a notorious reputation as it held political dissidents and became a symbol of opression. Since 1880 Bastille Day is French National Holiday.