Saturday, 14 July 2007

The Bastille Day

The Bastille Day..............Today is 14th of July, the historic Bastille Day, when French peasants stormed the medieval fortress in 1789 and marked the beginning of French Revolution. The Bastion was built during the Hundred Years War under the rule of king Charles V of France. It was supposed to defend the eastern gate of the City of Paris against English attacks. The Bastille was not very large: just 66 meters long, 34 meters wide and 24 meters tall. The fortress earned a notorious reputation as it held political dissidents and became a symbol of opression. Since 1880 Bastille Day is French National Holiday.

1 comment:

cowgirl94 said...

heyy I know this really gret website, with lots of educational content of many subjects, including History, and they also have documentaries about the French Revolution. It's really awesome, you should check it out! The website is, but if you wish to see this documentary, just go to: