Something is Changing......Flood killed more than 7000 people world-wide last year. In recent weeks heavy rainfall in China killed over 400 and more than 700 have been killed in South Asia by flooding. This year's flood in Britain is an event that can stastisticalls occur in every 30 to 50 years. But the flood in 2000 is already an event of 25 to 30 years. Two big flood just within a seven years span. That's quite abnormal sign of nature. Climatic change is no more a fairy tale. It's a dynamic and responsive phenomena means will get worse if nothing done and will go better is proper actions are taken. Normally warmaer air holds more water and will unleash huge energy if weather turns bad. Consequence is heavy storms or rainfall.
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Signs of Climatic Change
Posted by
Khaled Mahmud Shams
Labels: climatic change, flood, rainfall
Saturday, 14 July 2007
The Bastille Day
The Bastille Day..............Today is 14th of July, the historic Bastille Day, when French peasants stormed the medieval fortress in 1789 and marked the beginning of French Revolution. The Bastion was built during the Hundred Years War under the rule of king Charles V of France. It was supposed to defend the eastern gate of the City of Paris against English attacks. The Bastille was not very large: just 66 meters long, 34 meters wide and 24 meters tall. The fortress earned a notorious reputation as it held political dissidents and became a symbol of opression. Since 1880 Bastille Day is French National Holiday.
Posted by
Khaled Mahmud Shams
Labels: 14th of July, 1789, Bastille Day, French Revolution
Friday, 6 July 2007
Byproducts of Urban Life.
Urban life produces severe byproducts harmful to its ecosystem. Sewage is one such example. It is a type of wastewater that includes human faeces, household wastes that drains out as end-product. Developed countries pay highest attention to this issue as not only public health but the surrounding ecosystem, specially fisheries in the nearby rivers and lakes can get close to extinction, while developing countires overlook the issue simply on public hand. Sewage channels or drains are not enough, the wastewater needs to be treated before discharging to the nature, so that nature can do rest of the cleaning. Wastewater treatment is always to aid nature by not letting it overwhelmingly disrupting its cleaning capacity. Let us be more conscious about our wastes and help the environment becoming more healthy.
Posted by
Khaled Mahmud Shams
Labels: ecosystem, environment, sewage, urban life, wastewater